Monday, December 19, 2011

Believe it or not Lindsay Lohan's playboy is selling out???

Lindsay Lohan's Playboy cover
Despite an earlier report from FOX News that Lindsay Lohan's Playboy cover was selling poorly after it hit newsstands Friday, issues of the magazine are now said to be flying off the shelves -- or are they? According to TMZ, newsstands in New York, Los Angeles and other major cities have already restocked their orders multiple times, and Hugh Hefner posted a tweet Sunday confirming that sales are up. "The Lindsay Lohan January-February Double Issue is breaking sales records," he wrote.
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A rep for Playboy also told CNN that the issue was selling "very well." However, when the news outlet contacted 12 newsstands in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Atlanta, they only found one seller who had sold out of the issue entirely.

ImageBam image uploadIn fact, interest seems low in seeing Lohan’s intensely air-brushed impersonation of Marilyn Monroe in glossy print...No one has bought it,” was the resounding answer to our query at each stop. It shouldn’t come as a surprise. Once the photos were leaked, the response to the spread, for which Playboy paid a reported $1 million, were lukewarm across the board. “I'm not surprised at all. Despite Playboy's hype, there was nothing particularly shocking or new about this shoot.

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