Jonathan Jaxson, Kim Kardashian's publicist from 2007 to 2009 had this to say.....

Kim Kardashian is a master of media manipulation, claims her former publicist Jonathan Jaxson. Jaxson, who worked with Kardashian from 2007 to 2009, says that he believes Kardashian's wedding to Kris Humphries was staged. "I staged several of the moments that the world has seen of her, such as a ring that we alleged was from Reggie Bush," Jaxson claimed. "It was December 26, 2007 -- I remember the day. She was going to go shopping with her grandmother and her mom and we said, 'Let's do something to get more press for you.' She said, 'Perfect. Let me go to a ring store and walk out as if Reggie Bush were proposing to me ... I have ring I love and adore -- it's seven carats. I'll keep it in my purse.'" He says the stunt went off without a hitch. "It was calculated to a T and then it was leaked to a magazine," he said. Despite this, Jaxson claims Bush was not in on the publicity stunts, and alleges that when he got wise to Kardashian's antics, he chose to end their relationship. Jaxson says he began working with Kardashian the day her sex tape broke, and says he believes that it was not leaked with Kardashian's knowledge, although he noted that she "wasn't devastated by any means." Jaxson furthermore claims to have built Kardashian's image, alongside her sisters', and says fame was always her goal.
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